Need assistance? The team at 911 Flash has compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions below. If you can’t find the answer you're looking for or need further help, feel free to reach out anytime.

Q. - Who was this device made for?
A. - The idea behind 911 Flash was originally developed for people who live on the roads, but we thought, why stop there? The only Emergency Road Device on the market that helps your scream be heard when you need help and your life is in immediate danger whether it’s a criminal or medical situation.
Q. - How long does it take to install and where do I install it?
A. - Installation takes about 30 to 45 minutes, you can mount it wherever you want to.
For devices that are installed on SEMIS AND CAMPERS most people prefer to mount it behind their sleeper or on the roof of their RV.
For devices installed on HOMES, we recommend wherever is the most noticeable for the public, whether it be your neighbors or passersby.
For devices that are installed on APARTMENTS, we recommend installation of the sound and light device on the outside of your window that is going to be seen by the most traffic, and another installation of a light device on or next to the door to your apartment.
Q. - How do I install it?
A. - You can easily mount it with the hardware included with your device.
Q. - When I push the wireless button and my device is set off how is anyone going to get in my truck or camper when I have the doors locked and I have a major health issue putting me in so much pain I can’t move?
A. - Most ambulance personal and police have ways to get in your vehicle if they absolutely need to.
Q. - How do I know it’s going to work when I have a life-threatening emergency happening?
A. - If you test your device every so often let's say once a week or once a month it should work but like any product that is out of the control of the company who sold you a product no one can give a 100% guarantee that it will work. We are sure you have heard of life alert or medic alert if they guarantee their product will save your life in a medical or criminal emergency anyone would know they are stretching the truth which is something we will not do. Once you purchase your device and you receive it and it does not work, please send it back to us for a full refund.
Q. - How do I get my money back if and when I use the device and it helped save my life?
A. - You must provide proof it helped in the situation that occurred. A police report stating it was going off and they were called to help you in a medical or criminal emergency, and they apprehended the criminal or an ambulance report stating it was going off and they were called to help you and administered some kind of medical help to help save your life. Also, we would require a written testimonial with your picture or when one of our owners delivers your refund it would be awesome if you would do a 1- or 2-minute video. We stated one of our owners will come to you and we mean that as long as you’re somewhere in the United States and meet somewhere at a public place. We take pride in being the only company in the U.S. that gives a full refund when our device helps save a life, we want to meet our customers whose life was saved because of our device so we personally deliver your refund.
Q. - How will people know about this device and why it’s going off?
A. - We provide all customers with a bumper sticker size vinyl graphic to stick on your vehicle. Truckers can put it on their side box door so it’s very visible for other truckers to know you have one and campers and RVs can place it on the rear bumper or their side compartment door. This will help let people know about your vehicle being equipped with The Little Screamer and why it’s going off.
Q. - How many wireless buttons do I get with my device, and can I get more than one wireless button to activate it if I want to?
A. - One wireless button comes with your device. You can purchase more than one and up to 5 for a small additional cost if that’s how many you want to activate it. RV owners and campers can benefit from this if they have kids who like to sleep in a tent close by the camper or RV. This device can be activated within 500 feet of where the device is mounted. So, if you have kids who sleep out in a tent or you’re elderly and are worried about your health or criminals you can be outside your camper doing things and still activate the device when you carry the button with you on a necklace or somewhere on your body.
Q. - Can this device help in a community of campers and RVs that go to the same campground every winter to stay for a few months?
A. - Of course it can. This can help a community of campers help save one another in a criminal or medical emergency. Once the device is activated the campers around you will know you need emergency help immediately to help save your life so they can call 911 for you. Without this device how is anyone going to know someone’s breaking in your camper or that you’re having a major health condition putting you in so much pain you can’t move?
Q. - What’s the big benefits for Truckers and Campers
A. - Truckers and campers live in their vehicle sleeping in truck-stops, rest areas or dangerous areas. When a criminal is trying to break in your truck or camper and you push your wireless button more than likely this device is going to scare the criminal so much, he or she is going to run away from your vehicle as fast as they can since most criminals don’t want any attention brought to themselves. If a trucker or camper is having a major health condition putting them in so much pain, they can barely move all they have to do is push their wireless button and the truckers and or campers around them will know you need emergency help and if they haven’t heard about this device, they will call someone anyway because you’re making so much noise with your device.
Truckers also see trucks on the side of the highway with their flashers on all the time and will geon the radio and ask the driver if he’s ok and ask if he needs any help. Most of the time truckers get no response when they ask this question on the cb radio. Now if a driver is sitting on the side of the road because they pulled over on the shoulder because of a health condition that’s putting them extreme pain they can push their button and let all the truckers know going by them that they need emergency help and to call 911 for them.
Q. - Should I be worried about waking someone up with my device if they are sleeping and might get mad if they’re woke up from my device?
A. - Well let’s think about that for a minute. Ok so your life is about over because a criminal is breaking in and might take your life or a major medical condition is about to take your life. If someone got mad because you woke them up and needed them to call 911 for you to help save your life and they got mad at you, would it really matter as long as it saved your life? Your life is the most precious thing you have so without help your life could be over so would you want to wake up the whole world around you so someone would call 911 for you? Personally, if we could, we would broadcast that we need help on the FM radio worldwide if our life was in danger.
Q. - Can I make monthly payments on my device?
A. - You sure can if you have a PayPal account and if not, sign up - its super easy. We also accept many types of other payments through Braintree, credit cards and more.
Q. - Can I make money selling this device to other truckers and campers?
A. - Absolutely Please see our Join Our Team TAB for our requirements.